Just because you happen to be below the equator does not mean that moving isn’t a real pain in the bottom.
Talking with Áudrey last night… his belongings still haven’t left Brasília, even though he has! He has been in Fortaleza for almost a week now, waiting for his “stuff” to arrive so they can head on out to Ubaúna. Unfortunately, he’ll have to wait a bit longer.
On the positive side, this has given him time with Marclei, the pastor of the Grace Refuge Church in Fortaleza, to plan, pray and play. Andréia had never seen the beach until they arrived in Fortaleza back in July. She was absolutely overwhelmed with it! Unfortunately, she wasn’t able to spend much time enjoying it.
This current, “forced” time off is letting her do so. She has been blessed to spend some quality time getting to know the beach up close and personal. She sounded like a little kid, almost giddy, describing it!
Áudrey plans on taking a quick trip to Ubaúna on Monday to tie up some of the loose ends that we left in July. Hopefully he’ll be able to actually get his hands on his stuff (including his dogs, who are coming with the mover!) and set up house next week.
Continue to pray for them.