I think I’m suffering from Easter Weekend Overload or EWO.
Here it is Thursday morning and my nose (and both ears) is (are) still red from the sun I got on Saturday, my legs are still tired from being on them all day Saturday and all day Sunday, I’m stiff as though I’ve been working out and I’m still having a difficult time wrapping my head around all that took place.
I was telling a friend of mine on Monday night that I have been asking God for some time to be a part of something “big.” I wasn’t ready for His response: you’re going to be a part of TWO biggies, one on two different continents.
What is humorous and interesting is that they are both coming to fruition at the same time. GFB and Lifepoint are both on the verge of going from simple growth to explosive growth. Even more interesting is that there is activity swirling around other churches I have some association with, again, both here and in Brasil.
EWO isn’t for sissies. It makes your nose hurt.