My wife cried yesterday . . .
Odd way to began a post, don’t you think? I do.
You see, my wife rarely cries, unless she is in pain. The pain can be physical or it can be emotional. But, it has to be significant. “Sentimental” female she’s not (now, just so there’s no misunderstanding, my wife is full of emotions and expresses them all; she just isn’t a “cryer”) .
The reason she cried makes me proud. The reason she cried gives me strength. Her tears moved others as well.
Why the emotional response? Because people are living and dying without knowing the true Lord of the Universe. That’s it. Period.
She said it was my fault. That my constant frustration over the lack of commitment, lack of desire, lack of understanding of what is being offered to them that so many Christians show; that my continual looking at people and trying to figure out how to befriend them, help them, serve them; that my vision of millions of lost in the interior of Brasil being able to have hope, of having unimaginable blessings waiting for them after a life of misery . . . that I have “infected” her with a compassionate heart for those whom God loves.
Kinda made me feel proud. Pleased that it shows and proud that she cares so much. It’s also humbling and scary to know that people are watching you that closely.
We were talking about people in the interior of Brasil and there not being anyone available to come along side them to show them the unimaginable life. Knowing that hundreds, or thousands, would die before we could help . . . she cried.
I did, too.