I got a note late yesterday from our new pastor, Áudrey.
He’d stayed in Fortaleza to preach at the Grace Refuge Church on Sunday and spend some strategic planning time with the leadership there. These folks have caught the vision of what God is doing in the sertão (desert) of Ceará (the state in which Ubaúna is located) and are eager to partner with us to see the work blossom. Pastor Marclei of Grace Refuge has been instrumental in insuring that the work went forward by sending teams every week to Ubaúna from Grace Refuge for over a year.
With Áudrey’s return home, the whole process of him moving to Ubaúna begins in earnest. The goal is for him to make the physical move and be in place around the 10th of August. In order for this to happen, we need help.
God has done, continues to do and will do things that are beyond my imagination in this region of the world. I have never in my life been associated with such a massive undertaking by people so unqualified, going forward with nothing but faith in the God who has called them and a belief that he will provide whatever is needed. It has been a personal struggle on my part to do this “live by faith” thing. I’ve discovered that it is one thing to say it and a completely other thing to live it. Now I find myself consumed with a desire that is incomprehensible but absolutely irresistable — I’m living way out of my comfort zone.
While I currently have no clue where all the funds that are needed will come from, I’m totally confident that God is already opening the doors to make them available. It’s a strange way to live that often leaves you with butterflies in your stomach; fear and excitement coexisting side by side. Yes, I am very afraid. This thing scares the begibbers out of me! Who am I to take on such an undertaking? Why do I think that God will work through these efforts to bring hundreds of thousands of people into the Kingdom in this brutal region? Fear? You’d better believe it! Crazy? I honestly think so. Confident? Absolutely!
You who are reading this are not doing so out of sheer curiosity. You haven’t come to this blog by accident. You have some sort of a connection to what God is doing in this little village in northeastern Brasil. You may be aware of it or you may think that I’m just spouting off nonsense. But, I can assure you, the Living Lord is calling his people to participate.
Most of you will never go to Ubaúna. You will spend your life working in the local church, advancing the Kingdom where you live. That is your primary responsibility. You should be encouraged by what is happening in Ubaúna and become even more involved locally.
You do have a responsibility to broaden your spiritual horizons to include “the uttermost parts of the earth” as well. It is that responsibility that I ask to be able to partner with you in fulfilling. Help us see God do the impossible. We need funds, almost $15,000, quickly. We need significant funds over the next few months. Help us charge the gates of hell with the proverbial watergun in hand! God is moving in this region… be a part of what he is doing!