You’ve heard of Peyton Place, Dallas and Desperate Housewives, right?
Wild things happening. Stuff we laugh about, saying it isn’t reality.
How about the 90 year old wife of a foreign dignitary being taken as the wife of a President of another country. Not for show, but for sex! And, her husband encouraging this activity so he wouldn’t be killed.
Or, a powerful and respected political figure being told to sacrifice his only heir to a vast kingdom as a burnt offering to prove his obedience to his unseen deity. And he does.
Would you belief that a female approaching 100 years old would become pregnant and give birth to a health son? It’s in the story.
How about a husband being so uxorious that he sends away his first born son and the child’s mother to die in the desert — and he loves the son more than life! Talk about hen-pecked . . .
Treachery, lies, deceit, duplicity and a faith that is so ruggedly tenacious in its unyielding belief in and obedience to Yahweh that it staggers the imagination.
A new television mini-series? Nope; Genesis 21.