We no more arrived in Ubaúna than we had to go to the “Bull Club” for the opening service of our little campaign. We’ve taken over a night club called the “Bull Club” and are holding services there each night. some folks had quite a surprise as they arrived… it wasn’t what they were expecting!
The kids put on several interpretative dance pieces, Audrey led the audience in some songs, I was called up to speak, Audrey spoke and people were invited to come forward for prayer and healing. Twelve people came forward with various ailments that they wanted to be prayed for. One of the more impressive was a lady who had one leg shorter than the other (the foot grew out!) and another was a lady who was pregnant and suffering from severe gastritis. She attends a local macumba (voodoo) temple but came for healing because the temple priest couldn’t help her.
The Americans were swamped with attention and they, in turn, were impressed with what was going on. With almost 175 in attendance, seating was at a premium and the air was electric. A great welcoming ceremony for our entrance into the village.