Dang! Ever get hold of a good book and just can’t put it down?
If any of you are tracking with me, to some extent I must apologize. I’m stuck in Exodus and don’t want to leave! I’m absolutely astounded at some of the stuff I’m discovering again for the first time. Why, it’s almost like deja vu, just all over again.
I sleepily awoke to Exodus32 and 33 this morning. Time is short ’cause I’ve got to go help get a church out of a box. But the worse thing in the world happens . . . the story grabs me from the very first words: When Moses failed to come back down the mountain right away…
Wait a minute! I’ve been reading over the last 4-5 days and Moses has been up on the mountain this whole time? I hastily flip back through the pages and sure enough, I had to go all the way back to chapter 20 to find where he’d gone up the mountain for his tete-a-tete with the Lord. Time-wise, that was 40 days ago.
He’s no more gone than a day and all the folks rough up his brother, Aaron, saying that Moses has bought the big one, has checked out, has gone the way of Rover and is dead all over. The dude ain’t coming back because God has snuffed him out. So, big boy, since you are next in command, you’d best get us some divine power down here right now before the Big Guy decides to take us out! It’s 1 vs. 1,600,000. So Aaron mixes up some instant golden calf idol and presto! instant god.
What happens next is phenomenal, strange and oh so modern.
More later.