After 36 hours, I’ve decided that certain things are grossly over-rated:
Sleep; I mean, come on! Think of all of it that you waste with your eyes closed.
Visas: to think that someone could get so worked up over not having one. Why, it all evaporates when you get it in your grimey little hands.
Traffic regulations. A free-for-all at 60 mph while blindfolded AND both hands doing anything but holding the steering wheel is fun, isn’t it Paul? Paul? Paul…
Showers. Showers are definitely NOT over-rated. After a lifetime on an airplane and walking in downtown Fortaleza on a humid, balmy 95+ degree day, showers do not make this list! Same is true of brushing teeth — I didn’t realize you could grow hair on your teeth!
Coffee. Lack of, especially the type served in the morning at our favorite little hotel in Fortaleza.
And, last, but certainly not least,
Throwing paper in the toilet. Anyone can do that! The adventure of using a small trash can to the side of the toilet, now that’s living!