“I took these photos of some children in Paxólas; you know the family, they live at the end of the “Street of the Dead,” close to the interstate highway. They are living in inhuman conditions. The children are sick and worm infested. I took the photos to see if there isn’t some way that we can get some help in some form for them. They are all coming to the worship services [about a 2 mile walk].”
This note from Áudrey came in this afternoon. Seems he and I are on the same page! We are 2 weeks away from launching our “Adopt-a-Child” program but he sees that we literally cannot wait – this family is in serious trouble.
There are 16 people in this family, 5 adults and 11 children. The family income is less than $50 per month. Note that I did state that correctly: $50 per month!
I want to kick off the “Adopt-a-Child” program prematurely.
I want to see 11 kids “adopted:” $1 per day, $30 per month, every month. Two members of this family are already Jesus followers – I want to see the whole family in the Kingdom! They are asking for nothing; let them see that they mean everything to the Lamb.
Maria da Fátima (with grandmother)
Give me feedback! How many do you want? Will you make a difference in the life of someone who has absolutely nothing? Will you show them Jesus? Is anyone reading?