On the equator the sun rises and sets quickly and consistently. It’s only 4:30 p.m. and it is already making a nose dive for the horizon.
Our free day is quickly coming to a close. We’ve been to the central market in downtown Fortaleza, had lunch at a very Brasilian restaurant by the name of Pizza Hut and been able to stroll the boardwalk. We’re geting ready to head back downtown to the Refuge Grace Church where we’ll be worshipping with them in a big way. In many ways, it is one of the major highlights of most folks’ trips to Brasil.
Tomorrow we saddle up and head inland towards the real reason we’re here.
This time is always good. Just like in the actual travel time together, it gels the group into a team. We’ve swapped stories, joked, been exhausted together and generally gotten to know each other better. That is extremely important because we need to be united as we roll into Ubaúna early tomorrow afternoon.