I’m working through Nehemiah right now. Going slowly, on purpose, kinda like having a really good tasting piece of pie in front of you and you want to gobble it down but you force yourself to eat one bite at a time and savor it. It is so good, it is all you can do to not lose control and scarf it down like a hungry dog. I’m reading Andy Stanley’s Visioneering at the same time (he bases it on Nehemiah). I’m so pumped about building my wall! (You have to read them both to understand!)
I’m getting on a plane in just a few hours and heading out to the home of the Chattanooga Choo-Choo (this is a test: Where is the Chattanooga Choo-Choo located?). I won’t actually get down to the Choo-Choo on this trip… I’m doing something a whole lot better — seeing my new grandyoungin’ (for you northerners, that is a grandchild). Little miss Norah is getting to that fun age and the queen and I plan on doing some bad grandparent spoiling! Charlie and Jess — just grin and bear it 🙂
Ikea here I come. The kids are driving down from Chattanooga and picking us up in Atlanta, then we’re heading to Ikea. If you’ve never been, you just can’t appreciate it. The bummer is that we can’t bring anything back with us ’cause we’re flying.
Panera Bread, a.k.a. the St. Louis Bread Company. We’ll probably spend the nights at my daughter’s house and the days at Panera’s! Our favorite eating establishment all the way back to our St. Louis days. Good coffee, good food and wifi — what a combo!
The bummer? I won’t be at Lifepoint on Sunday. Milo, Jerry, make me look good in my absence.
I’m jazzed… getting out of town, seeing the kids, hitting Ikea and Panera and we don’t even have to drive (Delta buddy pass thanks to my son-in-laws father). Look out, baby! I’m letting my hair down and lettin’ ‘er rip! (Ok, so I don’t have that much hair and am bordering on senior citizen age… but I’m still gonna have fun!).