There are things that bother me.
Giving a premium to someone in order to get them to sponsor a child living in poverty is one of them. “Sponsor a child and receive two FREE VeggieTales DVD’s.” Come on! Have we so debased ourselves that this is what has to be done in order to fulfill James‘ admonishment?
I’m not opposed to fundraisers to garner the resources necessary to carry out your program (unless you are a church), especially one that takes care of the downtrodden in third-world countries who would literally die without us showing the love and mercy of Jesus. Shucks, Seed of Hope is trying to put together a Christmas campaign to raffle off jewelry worth thousands (donated, not purchased!) to raise $10,000 towards building a structure that will enable us to better care for children living in extreme poverty.
Capital needs, physical structures and logistical resources are the bread and butter of such an operation. But they’re not “sexy;” no one wants to contribute to that. The poor child tugs at your heart strings and opens your wallet; that is as it should be. That at least falls into the realm of what James was alluding to.
I know times are tough and dollars are scarce, but is the body of Jesus so crass and hardhearted that free DVD’s have to be used as an enticement to get followers of Jesus to do what they are naturally called to do?