Don’t you just love junk mail?! Remember the old HeeHaw television show where they sang “…if it weren’t for bad luck, I’d have no luck at all?” Well, some folks might feel that if they don’t get junk email they might not get any email at all…
I’m not one of those!
I get tons of it every single day. In fact, when I head off to Brasil I sincerely hate openning my inbox when I return. I’ve actually had 5-digit numbers of email awaiting my return (that’a 10,000+). I now have filters in place that keep it to a meager 2,000-3,000. It is maddening to want to check your email while in Brasil but having to wade through hundreds upon hundreds of pieces of spam in order to find the 5-6 legitimate emails.
So why this diatribe on email? The title of this piece.
This is one I got today. It caught my attention because of the “voodoo spell” verbage. I’ve felt like a pumpkin the last few days and I’ve definitely been the focus of the Evil One’s darts. Of course, the email was selling sexual enhancement and had nothing to do with my scenario. However, the words fit together well and hence caught my attention.
Today, the word “rage” fits me well. Again, alluding back to an entertainment venue, remember the movie “Network” where the climatic line “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!” was uttered? That was exactly how I came out of bed this morning — a righteous indignation at the attempts of the Enemy to sidetrack me. I came out in full battle regalia and engaged the enemy with the power of the Spirit. If sparks could have flown, they would have.
This trip is going to be BIG! Those of you who are going, get ready for a fabulous ride; those of you who will be praying for us, please pray BIG! Expect nothing less than the miraculous.
This pumpkin is mad at hell and intends to direct the full power of the Spirit against the voodoo spells!