I guess as long as I’m reading I’ll be commenting. It’s almost like an addiction.
Today was one of those really ‘interesting’ reads because it seemed so, well, boring, at least at first glance. All this incredibly intricate detail about how the Tabernacle was to be constructed. <sigh>
All of a sudden it dawned on me — I was seeing “gold” time after time in the text. Literally, the word “gold” was everywhere! Twenty times, to be precise. The term “pure gold” occurs seven times.
What in the world was going on?
I know that “God is in the details,” but these details screamed the standards of the Holy One. Only the best would do when creating His place; and the best had to be refined to the point of being pure.
Wow! Does that speak to me or what?! No matter what I’m doing, if I’m his person, it should be done in the best possible manner because it will reflect Him. If He puts me to doing something, He expects it to be done in such a way as to honor Him. Even the mundane.
Never don’t think (that isn’t good English, is it?) that the Word can’t be interesting!
Gives a whole new perspective on ‘Pure Gold,’ doesn’t it?