Have you rested up from your trip yet?
This is the number one question I’ve received since getting back from Brazil not quite a week ago. The answer is: “No!”
I’ve had to hit the ground running and I feel like I’m running out of steam. This week doesn’t appear to be offering up any free time for down time. And that brings up the second most asked question.
Is this really worth it?
Hmmm… I believe the correct answer would be:
You can bet your sweet bippy!
Talking with a fellow in Ubaúna on our last day there a week and a half ago, he made a simple statement. He said, “there would have been a lot of dead children around here had you not done what you’ve been doing.”
Excuse me? I had to ask him to repeat his statement. When he did, he further added,
We have neglected our responsibility, the politicians have turned their backs on their responsibility and the Evangelicals, Catholics and spiritists have all ignored what was in front of them. You have come from thousands of miles, asked for nothing, and have made a tremendous difference in our community. You have shown us that there are people who actually care; you have showed us what Jesus looks like.
Wow! Rested up from my trip? Give me a ticket, I’m heading back!