News Report: Open Doors is sad to report that Eritrean security police tortured two Christians to death on October 18, two days after arresting them for holding a religious service in a private home south of Asmara. Immanuel Andegergesh, 23, and Kibrom Firemichel, 30, died from torture wounds and severe dehydration in a military camp outside the town of Adi-Quala, eyewitnesses told Compass Direct. Andegergesh and Firemichel were arrested on Sunday (October 15), along with 10 other Christians, while attending a worship service in the home of Teklezgi Asgerdom. The three women and seven men, all members of the evangelical Rema Church, were kept in military confinement, along with Andegergesh and Firemichel, and subjected to “furious mistreatment,” one source said. The fate of the 10 other Christians remains unknown.
—Open Doors Weekly Prayer Alert, October 25, 2006
Would you be willing to be a Follower if torture and death were one of the possible consequences? How dare we claim to be Followers of the Way when our hardest decision is if we want to go to a church service or not!