Over the years I’ve been to all kinds of churches, para-churches and spiritual organizations.
When they would have their times of celebration, either planned or spontaneous, they would have all expressed the belief that these times of praise were meaningful, fulfilling and even life changing.
Some of the ones I experienced were. Some –many, most, actually– were not.
Over the last 10 years, three have made a profound impression on me. Two have been in the U.S. — Catalyst Atlanta and Newspring Church. The other has been in Brazil — Refuge Grace Church (Ministério Refúgio da Graça) in Fortaleza. I’ve only experienced Catalyst once, have only been to Newspring twice and to Refuge Grace Church six times.
In each, I was ushered into the presence of the Creator. Jesus was present. The Spirit showed up. I was awed, affected and transformed. I left ready to charge the gates of hell with a watergun because I knew I mattered to God and that where He was the impossible would become commonplace.
When I measure a church “service,” which should be a celebration and a clamor of desire for divine manifestation, I always mentally use these three as a measuring tape.
Now I have another to add to my list… Lifepoint.
What took place last night at the new Midtown campus was nothing less than phenomenal. I went anticipating excellence and was caught off guard by the exceptional.
I’m still processing the event this morning.
Never, ever settle for good when chasing after God. Search unendingly for the phenomenal.