I’m sitting in the lull of a quiet Saturday morning.
It doesn’t happen often, unfortunately. But I’ll take it!
In just a few hours I’ve a wedding to go to. Not a big wedding man am I; but this one is special. One of my closest friends, who’s just as old as I am (poor fellow), is getting married. My queen and I are to be the witnesses. I’ve never done that before.
Two years ago, sitting in the Denver airport on a 6-hour layover, I received a desperate phone call from my friend. His wife had just walked out. This started an ugly spiral downwards of their 17 year marriage and threatened his financial, emotional and spiritual stability. An extremely difficult year ensued. To blithely state it seems so banal, to be blunt, it was hell.
It was here that I plainly saw the struggle between good and evil. Satan is a bad S.O.B. He’ll do anything to take us out. Nothing is too minor. He’ll use it all. I received more phone calls about things I would have considered so insignificant, but that threatened my friend’s sanity, that I increased my phone minutes to compensate for the calls.
Over the last year life has begun to return to a more normal state. Divorce finalized, children accepting the reality, work a healing balm, my buddy found someone who has helped him heal.
And now, another year later, they’re getting married.
This is good. A seventh inning stretch. A moment to breathe a sigh of relief. A time to refocus and prepare for the new attacks that the Enemy will bring.
I’m actually almost excited about a wedding, this wedding! I will enjoy the reception!
Oh, by the way, if you’re reading this and live in Wilmington, you might want to consider popping out to Lifepoint tomorrow morning. We’re going to do some stuff that might surprise you!