I came across a church with a really interesting name: Scum of the Earth. Really.
Here’s what they say:
It doesn’t sound like a church name … on purpose. We really want to connect with people who have no interest in “church” by society’s definition. There are plenty of churches for “normal people” and we think we have a unique calling to reach out to our otherwise unreached friends. Our name is integral to that process. Whether outcast by society (e.g., punks, skaters, ravers, homeless people…) or by the church itself, many who come can identify with the name “Scum of the Earth” since they have been previously treated as such.
More important to us, however, the name implies that being people of faith does not mean we are better than anyone else. We know many non-Christians who think Christians are out to cast judgment on them. Our name makes it clear that we aren’t about that. We are just aware of our need for God, as Scum of the Earth. Fortunately, God never sees us like that! But the name is humble and we like that. —Chris Baker
It would definitely bring a raised eyebrow or two when answering the question: “So, where do you go to church?”
While this probably bothers many folks, I think it is another innovative way of presenting the message to an audience no one wants. It’s a shame that there isn’t more of this occuring in the American church.