I’ll have to confess… I’m impressed!
I think I’ve got quite a talented and passionate pastor. I know that some may not agree with me, especially those who want to maintain the status quo. Please understand that the status quo is not the equivalent of being biblical, correct or doing it the “right” way; it is not the equivalent of being disciples of Christ; it is the equivalent of allowing the world to go to hell while we keep things the way we like them.
As K.P. Yohannan states in his convicting Road to Reality:
All too often, we are willing to be ‘students of Christianity’, rather than disciples of Christ. The fact is that most are substituting ‘learning’ and ‘information’ for practical obedience. Never in history has there been a society with so much ‘information’ about God, but so little real knowledge of the Holy One. Right doctrine without right living is worthless in the sight of God.
My pastor is not content to maintain the status quo; he refuses to be a “student of Christianity;” he is absolutely sold out on being a “disciple of Christ.” He knows that there is a price to pay and has chosen to pay the price.
But I really don’t mean to write about him!
It’s his wife who impressed me today. Michelle is impressive in her own right: she puts up with Jeff (no easy task!), is the mother of 3 great kids and 1 happy dog, never frowns, is learning Portuguese and skydives on the weekends.
Ok, she doesn’t skydive.
She admits that she does not like to speak publicly and, though she’d never admitted it until today, the idea of speaking in public, about sex and about her sex life with Jeff in particular, would be the absolute last thing on her list of fun things to do.
But she did it anyway… in style!
Yep! Today’s sermon was about sex. Not sugar-coated, birds and bees stuff, but the real McCoy. Parents were asked to take their little kids out before the service even began. Then Jeff and Michelle took off the gloves and began an “in your face,” what the Bible says, how the world portrays it and how do we get more mileage out of this wonderful gift God has given us discussion of sex.
The podcast should be up in a day or so. Check here. You want to hear it.
Michelle out-punched, out-maneuvered, out-preached and out-performed poor ol’ Jeff. He never saw it coming. She floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee, Jeff the champ was out in three!
I think she leads a double life; she makes big bucks as an orator while pretending to be a humble housewife.
You go girl! You make me even prouder of our Jeff because you prove he has good taste.