“Sheesh, Joe! Don’t you ever get tired of running off at the mouth on the reading through the Bible in a year thing?”
People, this stuff is dynamite! You find stuff that keeps you up reading when you should be going to bed . . . you can’t put it down. There’s stuff here that absolutely blows your socks off! (are you getting into my hyperbole?). This is mind-bending, life-changing stuff.
We aren’t talking about stumbling through the ol’ King James Version here; we’re talking real life language like the New Living Translation, or if you really want to get wild, the Message. This is down and dirty, clear as a bell, impossible to hide from the implications type of material.
You will have a crazy guy leading the group — me. You’ll find that answers to questions will not be forthcoming, but you’ll find that the lack of answers will cause you to have a sudden growth spurt in your faith!
This group is open to anyone. We’ll be meeting on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. Signups begin today at Lifepoint. Don’t go to Lifepoint but still want to give it a whirl? Email me at joecarr at wellnesstherapies dot net (please note that I’ve spelled out my email without the “@” and the “.” so that the spammers can’t pick it up automatically).