Okay, it wasn’t the OK Corral, but it had all the drama and excitement.
I’ve known for 3 years that the Evil One really wasn’t happy with what was beginning to transpire in Ubaúna. I’ve also know that the day was coming when there would be a confrontation. Each trip I’ve taken I’ve wondered if this would be the trip where battle lines would be drawn and challenges issued. Each trip has terminated with some minor infractions occuring, but no major event.
My trip in November of last year set the stage for some major activity. I discovered that the center of power of the Evil One resided in the local cemetary. I’d assumed that it was in one or all of the 5 terreiros or temples of the macumba practitioners. Much to my surprise, it wasn’t.
Allow me to digress for a moment.
I really am not a wacky demons-behind-every-tree type of a person. I’d seen their power during the time I lived in Brasil in the 80’s and had a healthy respect for it. But I’m not a “ghost hunter” or “spiritual warfare” type of fellow. However, the more attuned I’ve become to the Spirit, the more I’ve become aware of the power of the Condemned One and his angels. It’s real and it is strong. In Ubaúna, it has controlled this little village for it’s entire history. There is a stark contrast between Ubaúna and all the surrounding towns. Something is “wrong” with Ubaúna. My “intuition” has placed the blame on Lucifer.
For more than two years I could not fathom why I was being called to do “something” in Ubaúna. It made no sense whatsoever. Slowly the realization has come that Ubaúna is really the linchpin of Satan’s contol of the whole region. Should it fall to the forces of Light, the whole region would be wide open for the advancement of the Kingdom.
Back to our story.
The November discovery of the location or center of the Illegitimate One’s power meant that I now knew where attention needed to be focused. I just didn’t know how.
Last Wednesday night, the “how” became obvious.
To be continued . . .