Around 11:00 p.m. on Wednesday night, out little band approached the front gate of the Ubaúna cemetary. Now mind you, most folks don’t go into a cemetary at 11:00 p.m. We weren’t really planning on going in. It was to be more of a “what do you make of this” type of exploratory expedition. But once there, things transpired quickly in a way I wan’t antecipating.
The gate was closed. June and Brad walked up to it, opened it and went in. I remember thinking, “They just went into the cemetary in pitch dark!” Instantly they were repelled out. It was almost comical. They no more entered til they were backpeddling as hard as they could. And they were making all kinds of exclamations: “What was that?” “Did you feel it?” “It was all over me!”
Immediately two of the Brasilians “charged in,” only to be similarly repelled. This was getting interesting.
As the group huddled around the gate I was filled with a sense of indignation and desire to respond. Here we were, children of the Almighty, and the Evil One was kicking us out of his front yard as easily as you’d blown a piece of lint off your clothing. The word I heard was “Go!”
I detoured around the huddle and ran into the middle of the cemetary’s entrance with a force and power that was not mine. I challenged Him as the illegitimate being that He is and commenced to call upon the power of the Jesus Lord to expel the Evil One from Ubaúna. It became intense. Ask some of those who were there, it was as exciting and scary as it could possibly be.
The end result was a peace that transends all understanding. There, under the wonderously full sky of stars, a band of brothers, Americans and Brasilians, prayed, sang and worshipped the Lord of Hosts. On the Evil One’s territory.