I’m told that criticism is actually a holier-than-thou form of jealous flattery.
While I’m not sure that such is exactly correct, I know that skunks stink, frogs croak and that some people really ought to get a life! Such it is with those who wish to be so religious that they enjoy putting down folks who want to make an impact in the Kingdom of the Living Lord.
There are folks out there who enjoy looking for signs of “abandoning the old ways,” and, once found, behind the safety of their blog, commence to attack, belittle, slander, cast innuendo and condemn those who do not hold to the “old truths,” as they call it. One such site is oldtruths.com, moderated by Jim Bublitz who describes himself as a “refugee” from the Seeker Sensitive / Purpose Driven movement.
If they wish to follow a particular way of being the church, then have at it. Why is it necessary to belittle others who wish to do it differently?
But what do I know? I just blindly follow the Carpenter and am dumb enough to take him at his word when he tells us to leave everything, especially the traditions of man, to bring life to the lost. If that means wearing 3-D glasses in a worship service or encouraging folks to listen to the sermons of Perry Noble, so be it!
Postscript (June 14, 2007): In my zeal to defend myself, the church I attend and others whom I respect for their service in the Kingdom, I overstepped my limits and responded in an unchristian manner. I have changed the above blog post to more appropriately express my point of view and to remove the need to use a decoder ring to understand who I was referencing.
For my inappropriate response, I am truly sorry. Even though angered, rightly or wrongly, I do not have the privilege of behaving like one who is walking with the world.