I like to sleep. Last night sleep was almost sensual! By late afternoon yesterday I was a walking zombie, today I feel like a new person. Amazing what closing your eyes for a couples of hours will do . . . ok, so it wasn’t a “couple” of hours, maybe twelve.
Everybody is up and about today. We’ll be heading downtown Fortaleza shortly and I hope to upload photos this afternoon.
I’m real excited about meeting with the contractor this afternoon. We are just a few short steps from being able to start construction of the church building/community outreach center in Ubaúna. You WILL be hearing much more about this in the coming weeks!
Brad and Jeff find the local artwork fascinating — I do too, I’ve got several pieces hanging in my office — and they’re trying to figure out how to get some of it back to Wilmington. I’m impressed! They’ve both got much more refined tastes than they lead you to believe!
Rodrigo joined up with us late yesterday afternoon. Rodrigo was a Brasilian exchange student in Wilmington who stayed with June and Kevin last year. He lives in the capital of Brasil — Brasília — and wanted to come up to help us in Ubaúna. He speaks fluent English and that is extremely helpful.
We’ve all had breakfast (Jeff is getting addicted to Brasilian coffee!) and are going over our children’s material in preparation to going shopping downtown for supplies. Beautiful day here: blue-green ocean (quite surfable per Brad), azure-blue sky, low 80’s — wish you were here!