Ok, this is going to be difficult.
Just spent a day in Anderson, S.C. at the Unleash conference at NewSpring Church with a crew from Lifepoint. One word description: incredible. If you know nothing of NewSpring, perhaps the name Perry Noble might ring a bell. If not, click the links, check them out, then come back and read this.
For my Portuguese speaking readers / Para meus leitores que falam português — vou estar fazendo um post este fim de semana sobre a igreja NewSpring em Anderson, S.C., a conferência Unleash, Perry Noble e as implicações para a igreja mundial que fala português.
Back to English…let me begin at the end.
The day ended in tears, snotty nose, sore throat and ringing ears. Why? The culmination of the day. Perry finished with an impassioned plea for the church to get off it’s rear end and become the true bride of the living God. Lifepoint is on this page; after today, I can tell you that it will be so many times over. We are called to take the message of the Jesus Lord to the world; we have failed to do so as the corporate church; it’s time to take back the responsibility.
Perry called for us to lay hands on our senior pastors and anoint, appoint, and support them. This is where the tears and snotty noses came in — it was intensely emotional.
Immediately afterwards, we offered an rambunctious rendition of This is the noise we make, beating on trash cans, drum solos and shouting to the top of our lungs. Thus the sore throat and ringing ears.
The day started with Perry challenging us to be what God has called us to be, breakout sessions and a BBQ lunch. A day over way too soon.
What do we take away from this? How do we apply it? That will have to shake out over the coming days; however, I can tell you something has happened. Something has changed. This is the difficult part — how to explain it.
Stay tuned . . .