Coming off an incredible service at Lifepoint yesterday where the small town of Ubaúna received attention like it has never had, I received an email that was full of antecipation last night about the same.
The contractor for the church building in Ubaúna will be in Ubaúna on Wednesday or Thursday to size up the property for construction of the building. This makes it quite real. Within a few months there is going to be brick and mortar on the ground, ready to be used to rock the socks off this village!
The man who is considering accepting the position of church planter/evangelistic/pastor in Ubaúna is talking with “my boys” in Fortaleza today. “My boys” are the evangelists who’ve been working with me in Ubaúna for the last two years and I’d trust them with my life, and Ubaúna. We may be quite close to having a full-time man on the ground, soon!
The church in Fortaleza which was planted a year and a half ago by some of these these fellows has grown quickly to 120+. Over this past week, during Carnaval, they had 13 more become Christians or join forces with them. They’re rocking big time and are wanting, and expecting big things, from the Lord. They are an integral part of the Ubaúna project.
So, I’m sitting here with an intense air of expectation — but can’t do a thing about it, except wait. Maybe “simmer” is a better word than “smoulder.”