There is a popular praise song called “Glorious One” written by Steve Fee. In the second verse it states:
God of infinite worth with hands that carve out the ocean
You hold the universe and still You run to the broken
I was reminded of the immediacy of those words today. Still reeling from the trip to Brasil, or more exact, the effects of the trip (exhaustion, lack of sleep, mild dehydration, jet lag), I stumbled into the worship service this morning trying to correlate the exaggerated distinctions between the “have nots” I’d left behind in Brasil hardly 24 hours before and the overabundant “haves” of our culture.
Pastor Jeff further disturbed my mind by preaching on practically the same subject. At moments I couldn’t distinguish where I was, my thoughts and his words intermingling like some sort of faucet mixing cold and hot water. The best I could do was to bow my head in humble acceptance that in allowing the God of the universe to have control of my destiny, I was relinquishing control and throwing it all on Him.
With those thoughts careening through my head we launched into “Glorious One.” Never have I felt so useless; never have I felt so alive. Why me? Why was I chosen? Because the Giver of Life and Creator of All came running to me and is allowing me to participate with Him in the awesome expansion of the Kingdom, both here and in Brasil. He doesn’t need me . . . He wants me!
Folks, if you are not jumping into the pool of God’s plan and power, you are missing the excitement that makes life worth living. I sang like a madman today, so much so that I was hoarse. I, for one, am grateful to be a follower of the Glorious One.