First, to understand the title, you’ve got to read this story.
The Cliff Notes version is that in a Tulsa, OK Whole Foods store (Whole Foods is an organic grocery store), an employee found one of the most deadly spiders in the world crawling around the bananas. A bite from the Brazilian Wandering Spider can kill a person in 25 minutes. The little fellow was imported with the bananas, not an uncommon occurrence.
These “little” critters appeared in the Guinness Book of World Records 2007 as the most venomous animal in the world.
The other really interesting tidbit is that besides the painful and deadly bite, the venom also stimulates an hours-long erection in men.
Yep! I said “stimulate” and “erection.”
So, along with the intense pain all over their bodies and a dramatic increase in blood pressure, they also sport a very uncomfortable erection.
In Brazil, emergency room staff can immediately spot the victims of a bite because of this “symptom.”
The moral of the story:
organic food kills, but not before it teases you
with what you can’t use.
Oh, and the itsy bitsy spider… he was “destroyed.”