Many years ago while a freshman in college, I had to write a paper on speaking in tongues for Dr. Oliver’s Christian Doctrines class. Being a young college student with a head full of mush, I didn’t know that I wasn’t actually supposed to think. Silly me, I thought I was there to learn new things that would have a profound impact on my life.
I researched the topic thoroughly and much to my surprise discovered that I didn’t have all the answers that I was supposed to have. I came to the subject fully biased with my answer before researching the topic; imagine my dismay when what I uncovered and what I thought I believed didn’t quite match up.
This has nothing to do with speaking in tongues; but everything to do with a journey and a reaction.
Dr. Oliver gave me a “C” while stating the paper was “A” quality. He further stated that if I’d but “rethink” my conclusion, he was sure that he would reconsider my grade. Not being fully stupid, I read between the lines, rewrote the conclusion to definitively state that speaking in tongues did not exist and promptly was rewarded with the “A” I’d been promised.
Most of my “religious” life has been oriented along these lines. As I’ve grown older and wiser, I refuse to participate in such spiritual dishonesty and have discovered there is an enormous difference between “religion” and “spirituality.”
That is why my Sundays are such refreshing breaths of fresh air at Lifepoint. Accused of superficial Christianity by the Dr. Oliver’s of this world, we are reaching, teaching and changing those who have no hope into individuals who understand their eternal purpose as citizens of the life to come. Though accused of spiritual dishonesty, I can testify that it is the most spiritually honest place with which I am acquainted.
I wonder what professor Oliver would think of his gullible student today? If he were still alive, methinks he wouldn’t be pleased… but my real Professor is probably chuckling.