It is still technically a fast ball on the inside corner, a strike — Osmildo will not be moving to Ubaúna as a full-time church planter — but our home team is hotter than a firecracker on the fourth of July!
Marclei, a church planter in Fortaleza who is seeing explosive growth in the church he’s planted, stated today:
Concerning the construction here [in Ubaúna], you can count on my total support. It will be my pleasure to serve the church in Ubaúna, as well as Gospel for Brasil. I want you to be able to arrive in July and walk into this new building in the name of Jesus!!!
Valdimário sent an email and stated:
Brother, we are totally available to do everything in our power for the church in Ubaúna. Absolutely count on us. Just tell us how we can help, and we will!
We may not understand what is going down, but the Coach does!