I love videos with cats. I can’t stand cats, but I love videos with them as the central character.
They are so over-reactive. Something happens to startle them and they go flying through the air like a wound up slinky. They see fish in a bowl on the table, jump up to get the fish and fall in — what were they thinking, “Gee, I’m gonna jump up there, hover over the bowl, pull up a couple of goldfish, float back down and enjoy my meal?” Or, one I saw the other night: and inground goldfish pond is frozen over. Mr. Cat chases them all over the pond, slipping, sliding and generally looking the part of stupid. The fish were nonchalant — they knew he couldn’t do a thing, a bit of information that had somehow escaped the cat.
Where am I going with this?
Nowhere. I simply started thinking about cats this morning, started laughing (I know, I’m strange 😀 ) and decided to share my mirth.