I’ve never watched the Emmy Awards. Shocking, I realize…
But evidently a lot of folks who want to be “Christian” were watching this past Saturday.
Appears a gal by the name of Kathy Griffin, who I have no clue who she is, won an award for her part in a show called My Life on the D-List, which I honestly have never heard of (I must lead a sheltered life).
What seems to have riled all the Christian folk up were her comments.
She is quoted as stating:
A lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus.
and she finished it off with:
Hell has frozen over. Suck it Jesus, this award is my god now.
The Catholic League’ President Bill Donohue condemned Ms. Griffin’s words calling them a “vulgar, in-your-face brand of hate speech.”
“Hate speech?”
Wow! Are we getting a little testy here?
Why are we surprised when the people in the world act like people in the world? Isn’t that why we are supposed to show them Jesus so they can experience life as an other-worldly person.
I guess I just don’t get it.