At the insistence of my bud pastor Jeff, I’ve been following the blog of a character (I say that in a nice way 🙂 ) by the name of Vince Antonucci.
Vince’s contention is: “We absolutely suck at reaching people who are far from God. There are lots of things our churches do well, but if we’re being honest, leading lost people to Jesus is not one of them.”
Check out his mental ponderings – he makes some very valid points that should jump up and slap you in the face. If it does, ask yourself “why?” If it doesn’t, ask yourself “why?”
So what does this have to do with Brasil?
I take this sucking thing seriously concerning the church in Brasil.
It has been the standard of the Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Churches of Christ, Assemblies of God, etc. Some have sucked a whole lot worse than others, but they all suck. Period. How could they not? They are only reproducing what they have done here in the U.S. Please don’t ask me what I really think.
Just as here in the U.S., there is a movement afoot in Brasil where followers of Jesus are saying that they are mad at hell and are not going to take it anymore. The Brasilian Jesus followers who are being drawn to the work centered on Ubaúna are of that caliber.
The impression that I’m getting is that amazing things are on the verge of happening. Sucking will not be a term that will be applied to the Spirit’s moving in Ceará. We’re serious as death about this responsibility.
Even in the face of opposition and apathy, it will happen.