I read this verse this morning at 4:30 a.m.
For now it will be said of Jacob,
‘What wonders God has done for Israel!’
These people rise up like a lioness,
like a majestic lion rousing itself.
They refuse to rest
until they have feasted on prey
—Numbers 23:23-24
I was unable to sleep in anticipation of the day at Lifepoint. I had an unearthly desire to read in the Word. This was the chapter I picked up.
The day lived up to its expectations. An almost 25% uptick in attendance, excitement and anticipation as thick as butter, the lobby looking spiffy in it’s new layout, the creative team’s design of the worship center rocked and the band jammed.
Dare I mention the emotional impact of almost 700 names hanging on a fence, names representing the lost and dechurched contacts of those attending Lifepoint, names that those Lifepointers had laid on the stage declaring that they wanted them to encounter Jesus?
How do you weigh the visual image of a dog tied to a park bench, in the middle of church no less, that represents our being tied to those in our past who we’ve not forgiven? (I do believe that people got the point!)
There was more, but I’ll stop. Afterflow. All afternoon and this evening, I’ve been recounting the day. Big step. What is God getting ready to do? These people rise up like a lioness…