- From the standpoint of days, today was a beautiful one, not too hot, sunny, nice breeze. One of the perks of living in a coastal town, I suppose.
- I continue to be shocked at how important and difficult forgiveness is. People are suffering incredibly because they refuse to extend it AND find themselves thinking they don’t deserve God’s forgiveness. Satan has put together a fabulous ad campaign… most Christians have bought into it without reservation.
- Grace is just as bad. Non-believers find the concept foreign, believers don’t seem to have a clue. Seems that what we smoke and what we’re selling is two different things, almost as though we have a split personality. The Starting Point class has been smokin’… hopefully it is shaking people up!
- BBQ Chicken Pizza at Rucker John’s is a keeper. Ranks up there with their grilled grouper sandwich.
- Pastor John from Southside is following me. Either he thinks I have good tastes in restaurants or he is starting a Joe Carr fan club.
- I’m concerned about Pastor Jeff. He’s riding around on a big Harley pretending to be grownup. He’s too young to be going through a mid-life crisis…
- I’m proud of my kids — Tabitha, Jessica, Jeremy… I love you.
- Folks at Lifepoint today… could you feel it?
- Tough love is exactly that — tough. I don’t like having to exercise it but I know it is necessary.
- Sometimes things that are right under your nose escape your attention. Children grow up quickly and suddenly you realize that they’ve gotten big. The same is true of people as they mature in the faith.
Have an interesting week!