Yes, I know it is Wednesday and that Sunday was three days ago…
- A friend of mine for whom I have tremendous respect decided to follow Jesus and put him on in baptism on Sunday. He doesn’t have a clue… and he knows it. I’m so excited for him I could burst.
- Folding chairs covered with the names of people who didn’t know Jesus 18 months ago are now covered with names of people who’ve discovered him and have transferred their names to the outside of a portable baptistery where they merged themselves with the Rider of the White Horse.
- And those chairs now move to a new location to continue to throw those names who don’t know Him to the sides of that portable baptistery.
- 60 baptisms in one day… hell must be madder than, well, hell.
- Do you have any clue how much the Lifepointers who volunteer have matured in their service? Amazing!
- I’ve discovered that I get nervous when I’m standing in water and on a hot extension cord at the same time.
- Have you ever seen people actually enjoying a church service? Both services were full of folks who were enthralled, riveted, entertained and even excited. For a moment I thought I was at an NCAA championship game.
- I’ve never seen the availability of feminine hygiene products being used as an appeal to accept Jesus, but it worked. For those who have no clue what I just said, you would have had to have been there!
- I love it when pastor Daryl gets choked up on stage!
- How often do you get to see a man take off his artificial leg and crawl into the baptistery to meet Jesus? Joseph, you make me proud!
- It took 31 months to outgrow Myrtle Grove Middle School; what do you suppose is going to transpire at Ashley High School?
- I can’t wait til Sunday!