No. Not THAT man, but OUR man in Ubaúna — Áudrey.
He called last night because he was wanting “to burn some promotional minutes” he’d gotten when he renewed his cell phone contract. Not one to throw water on a burning fire, I gladly indulged his whimsy.
He’s started a Bible school that meets on Sunday morning and he’s been having between 18-21 adults showing up out of pure curiosity. People are telling him that no one has ever done anything like that in Ubaúna. He emailed me one of the lessons he’s taught… dang! He’s going for the jugular! Most Christians here would probably crawl out of the room if they had to sit through it. The topic he sent me: The Responsibility of a Sinner.
He is pumped about the upcoming planning trip. He even has prepared a special place for Paul to sleep (this ought to be interesting). This is going to be a killer trip!
It is becoming obvious that we are going to have to do something soon about a building. The landlord is making lots of noise about the noise the church is making. Put this one on your prayer list.
It rained, really rained, for the first time this season yesterday in Ubaúna.
Andréia’s birthday is on March 7 so we’re going to party big time because that is the day we will arrive in Ubaúna. We’re gonna hit all the hot spots in downtown Ubaúna! If you would like to make her day, drop her a note at her email (andreiafeitoza AT — please use the little “@” sign where the word “AT” is with no space on either side of it; this is so the spammers don’t slam her inbox by grabbing her email address with their little robots and spiders). Even though she doesn’t speak English she would be overwhelmed to know that people are actually thinking about her.