Touched down in Fortaleza at 6:30 a.m. local time. I do believe that everyone is on their last ounce of energy; I’ve never seen so much nodding off in the middle of a conversation in my life! 🙂
We stormed the hotel, overwhelming the front desk and lobby with our platoon. Kitchen help, bellboys, management were all grins to see us, rushing up to hug us, shake our hands and smile from ear to ear. They seemed to be genuinely proud of us and happy to have us “back in the house.”
All 32 bags were taken to their respective rooms (that’s right 32 bags!) and everyone descended on the restaurant for breakfast. With full tummies and tired eyes, most have retired for some short napping.
Part of the group will head out to an orphanage at 1:00 this afternoon while others will check out the beachfront. Supper is planned for 7:00 this evening here at the hotel restaurant.
I think I’m gonna check out the backside of my eyelids for a few moments…