The anticipation of Sunday mornings is getting ridiculous.
It messes with my sleep among other things — makes me have crazy dreams. It causes my stomach to have the sensation of Alfred Hitchcock’s movie “The Birds” — where the birds are doing their all-out, kamikazie attack on the town. The anticipation of the supernatural is wild; but, that’s ok because when it fires up on Sunday morning at Lifepoint, it’s one mean ride that you don’t want to miss!
Like today. 3-D video, wacky 3-D glasses and all. Where else could you go and have your pastor throwing limes at you in 3-D? It looked like one of those 3-D movies back in the 50’s with everybody wearing white paper, blue and red plastic lens, all looking at the screen. Crazy? Stupid? You bet! Entertaining? Absolutely! Evangelistic? To the max!
The only downside? My couple didn’t make it. Heartbreaking, but a temporary setback. All stops pulled out for geting them to the Easter service (which, by the way, promises to be a humdinger!).