Some folks have a whole lot more money than good sense . . .
Did you see the “news” (I sincerely hate to call it that) about the Las Vegas casino magnate by the name of Steve Wynn who accidentally gave a multimillion dollar (139 million) canvas an elbow and poked a hole in it?
Mr. Wynn had just finalized a $139 million sale to another collector of his Picasso painting, called “Le Reve” (The Dream), when he poked a finger-sized hole in the artwork while showing it to friends at his Las Vegas office a couple of weeks ago. He’d raised his hand to show a group of friends something about Picasso’s 1932 portrait of his mistress Marie-Therese Walter.
Someone recounting the story stated: “At that moment, his elbow crashed backward right through the canvas. There was a terrible noise.” And, then the oopsy part: “Smack in the middle … was a black hole the size of a silver dollar. ‘Oh s—,’ he said. ‘Look what I’ve done. Thank goodness it was me.'”
Now, excuse me! $139,000,000 for a painting? Is that nuts, or what?!
$139,000,000 would ease a lot of suffering in Brazil, Africa, or the far east. Children going to bed with unrelenting hunger pains could actually eat some beans, rice and manioc root; people living in sewage could have a slightly more healthy environment to live in; dare we mention clothing, medical care, education or job training?
What’s even sadder than Mr. Wynn’s little rip is that so many people actually expressed concern and interest in his egotistical cultural gluttony.
Who gives a rip?!