Ever since we began going to Ubaúna back in 2004, the desire has been to have full-time, Brasilian workers on the ground there. God has used many folks in different ways to help the work get to where it now is, but in order for it to explode, a full-time worker is a must.
For the past six months, many of us have been praying fervently for this to happen. Prayer, fasting, searching the Word, we’ve been making a loud noise, hoping that He would see it as a pleasing aroma.
Our desire has been granted!
As of the 10th of August, Áudrey and Andréia Feitoza from Brasília will be moving to Ubaúna to begin full-time work there.
Áudrey is a pastor originally from the state of Acre and Andréia is a pastor orginally from the state of Rondonia. Both states are in the Amazon jungle basin. Both Áudrey and Andréia have extensive experience working in extremely primative conditions, separately and as a couple. In fact, both stated that Ubaúna was mild compared to the work they were in while serving in Acre.
We had a donor agree to provide funds for their support while we began the process of raising their ongoing support. This was done so they could begin immediately.
Combined with a building and the momentum that has been generated over the last seven months, the Feitozas will bring the catalyst that is needed to electrify this work. We already have as many six other Brasilian workers who are ready to move to Ubaúna to form a team that will quickly begin the process of planting churches in nearby Freicherinha and/or Coreaú.
We are in the most critical stage up to this point in the work in Brasil. This is nothing less that stupendous (is that a word?)! Please celebrate with us for what God is doing in this little village in the northeast of Brasil and join us in asking Him to blow the dam wide open!