This is great!
Want to give the perfect gift this year? How about one of the “holy three:” gold, frankincense or myrrh?
Remember that the 3 wise guys (or was it 12?) brought gold, frankincense and myrrh to the baby Jesus. Wouldn’t it be neat to give something like that to the one on your list who has everything? Well, you might have to put gold on the wish list since we are at historic highs currently for the precious metal; but the other two might win you the prize for most original gift.
Where do you shop for frankincense and myrrh ? Glad you asked! At the click of a button you can be instantly and electronically at the right place.
And your selection options are varied. Don’t want to just do the liquid/oil thing? How about frankincense and myrrh soap on a rope? Incense? Frankincense and myrrh napkin rings with matching napkins, all tastefully fragranted (is that a word?)? How about a snowman stocking that descretely releases the pungent fragrances? What happens when you run out — you can get a frankincense and myrrh refill pak. Everything you ever wanted in frankincense and myrrh!
Oh! Wait! Aisle 5 has a blue light special on swaddling clothes . . .