I don’t know why I’m astounded.
God is big and diversified. That continuously astounds me. What I saw yesterday was simply one more proof of that.
I told you we were going to see the tent/worship center of the Central Baptist Church (which isn’t a Baptist church and I don’t understand why they use the name but I’ve seen other churches here in Fortaleza doing the same thing so I guess it is cool). I think the best way to describe it is that I was blown away.
I wasn’t prepared for what I experienced!
This thing is doing things that you simply wouldn’t expect. I’d heard nothing but negative about it: it’s too hot, too expensive, too difficult to maintain, etc.
It wasn’t any of that!
In talking with one of the pastors, he confirmed that it set the stage for the explosive growth that God was going to bring them. They grew by 50% as soon as this so-called “temporary” structure was erected. 50%! And that was five years ago — not only did they retain that growth but have growth over 150% more!
I’ve got a lot of ruminating to do on this. I see lots of answers to lots of questions; much upside and little downside, including the rain and the heat in an equatorial climate.
Why associate a tent with God? Because he’ll do what you’d never expect, and, do it in a way to prove he’s bigger than we can possibly imagine.