I’m being a little parrot.
I’m repeating what Perry said, who was repeating what Rick said. Rick was speaking about spiritual growth only occuring within community:
- A huge myth is that you can become spiritually mature on your own. We can only grow in community. Americans have gotten so into isolation that we don’t believe this.
- If you are not in community then there are at least 58 commands in the Bible that you can’t do.
- You learn to love by being around unlovely people.
- Knowledge makes us feel important…but love IS what is important.
- Most churches are full of people who talk and relate to others in childish ways.
- Maturity is relational – not intellectual. Jesus said that to love God and love others are the two MOST IMPORTANT commands.
- A person can attend church all of their life and never mature…they are cranky, rude, irritable…how can some people attend all of their life and not love people?
- Discipleship is about turning the audience into an army!
- How do you know when a church/person is mature? Simple – when something is mature it bears fruit!
The parrot has spoken…