Interesting day for Brasil today.
It started with Lifepoint slamming one out of the park. The church took up a special offering and presented Gospel for Brazil a check today for $7.245.67! Wow! This church is stoked about transforming Ubaúna and the surrounding region.
After church I had five people approach me about wanting to go to Brasil with us in July. One, an older gentleman, caught me totally by surprise. I tried to paint a dismal picture about the conditions and what to expect. He wasn’t buying it. He wants to go.
Two teenagers came up to me, asking to be allowed to go. Teenagers for heaven’s sake! These kids were “throwaways” just a few months ago, deadbeats. Their eyes bore into me, pleading to be able to go and have just a little more time to raise the funds. Whoa! What’s God up to here?
After lunch I ran into a couple who’ve got the hots for Ubaúna, spiritually speaking. They were salivating for details on the building we’re trying to build there, saying they’d do whatever was necessary to make it happen! Great after lunch dessert!
Got a phone call from some friends tonight who have been involved in the work in Ubaúna. They are going to go to Brasil with us in July and are sending a nice check for the work. They are trying to get their church involved and are dead serious about praying for the success of the work there. Got off the phone and had a hard time finding the floor with my feet — was floating too high to reach it!
No more hung up the phone till it rang again. A Brasilian pastor here in Wilmington called. The man is wrestling big time with God about Ubaúna. Seems he may be a part of the big picture, much to his surprise, and we talked for over an hour about what God might be up to in that little villa. What’s that expression: “You can run, but you can’t hide?”
Finally, this, in my Daily Bible Reading yesterday (ok, techinically this doesn’t apply to today since it was for yesterday’s reading; but, the reading for today built on it and further confirmed it. So, I can put it with today’s events 🙂 ):
You will soon arrive in the land the Lord your God is giving you and you will conquer it and settle there. –Deuteronomy 17:14