I’d mentioned that we were going to go right into the Lion’s den by visiting the priest-wannabe; unfortunately, that didn’t happen.
Monday was the scheduled day for the “visit.” I woke Monday in a state that I can only call “sick.” I’ve never been this way before; it was a bit like having a cold, but I didn’t have a cold. I was almost in an anesthetized state. My head hurt something fierce and I could hardly form a rational thought. The weirdest part of it, though, was the inability to get up — i felt drugged.
I slept a large part of the day. I’d seem to get better, then reverse.
During the afternoon, when I felt like I was lying in an oven (remember, we were in the desert and I was in a house that had no AC), a thought/vision came to me. I remember that the night before a fellow had come up to me who was obviously several sheets to the wind and had “fingered” me as “the one.”
He’d said “everyone” knew who I was. When he’d said it I’d gotten an uneasy feeling. That exchange flashed back to me and I knew that I wasn’t sick, at least not physically.
Pastors Audrey, Valgledson, Donny, Jeff and Drew came in and prayed for me; Larry and Arimar prayed for me; I prayed for me, but nothing seemed to change. As it began to get dark I seemed to get worse. Dejected, I fell asleep.
I woke around three in the morning and knew that everything had changed. I still didn’t feel great, but there was a definite change. I felt good enough to get a shower and get on with the day on Tuesday.
It was when we were eating breakfast that I was informed of a massive spiritual struggle that had taken place that night. Audrey told me that an incredibly strong, dark force had targeted me and had unleashed its powers on me. They (Audrey, Valgledson, Donny and Jeff) had interceded and succeeded in breaking the attack. I also learned that hundreds, literally, of believers in the US were also interceding at the same time. As Audrey stated: “the heavens were ripped open and the light that came flooding through destroyed the attack.”
Sounds like something out of a comic book, doesn’t it?
Trust me, it wasn’t!
As far as the priest-wannabe is concerned, there was no choice but to delay the visit until another time. I suppose that having a rattlesnake in both hands isn’t too wise of a choice to choose.