I had a long visit and talk with a Brasilian pastor last night. It reminded me why I so dislike Christianity, as it manifests itself through all the human crap we wrap around it, and prefer to be a follower of the Way. I suppose we just like to make things complicated.
Evil is strong. Jesus is stronger. Lifepoint brought the two together yesterday. Jesus put some serious whupbutt on the bad boy.
What happened to the 80-degree temperatures we were having?
Just what are we doing in Iraq? It’s one thing to read about it or see it on the news, it’s totally different when your son is there in the middle of it. Especially when you read this type of thing.
I have friends on three different continents . . . dang! (where did that thought come from?)
I’ve developed a reputation for cussing out the devil in Portuguese; when asked about it yesterday, I responded: “I want him to know that in case he can’t understand me in English that I’ll make sure he understands me in Portuguese!”
Acrylic curtains shock the begibbers out of you (based on my experience yesterday of dismantling the pipes and drapes in the Lifepoint lobby at the Myrtle Grove Middle School)
It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood . . .