The Urban Dictionary translates “throwdown” as:
“about to kick some ass like there’s no tomorrow”
Please pardon the language. I purposefully didn’t put the little stars (a**); I don’t mean to be vulgar but I do mean to be forceful.
We’re on the verge of some serious throwdown in Ubaúna and I want to ask your participation.
I need folks who will be willing to do some serious praying, giving and volunteering.
Without the power we have residing in us that raised Jesus from the dead being brought to bear on the kingdom of the Evil One, we will not see the incredible events that are about to happen.
As we kick off this new year in Ubaúna, we see drought conditions wrecking havoc in the village, we have tightening financial conditions making the poor even needier and are facing an urgent need for strategic, on-site planning.
My primary request at this time is prayer. Prayer that God will open doors that need to be opened, prayer that we can understand the direction he wants us to take, prayer that the church can address the real needs of the comunity and become the focal point of spiritual activity, prayer that the Evil One will be thorougly and convincingly defeated, prayer that Áudrey and Andréia will be used mightly by the Spirit.
We ARE on the verge of some serious throwdown. Pray.