God is good!
Here is the latest from pastor Danilo in Tianguá:
The police told me that the motive of the entry was to obtain crack cocaine. Anything of value will be stolen to fuel the addiction. Crack is the drug of choice of the teens and children here in Tianguá. The police think that two adults were responsible for destroying the metal grates and door and that a small child was then inserted into the opening they made. The child was instructed to take anything electronic and the only thing actually stolen was a DVD player that is used to show evangelistic films in our children’s ministry. In Tianguá 80% of all murders, rapes and robberies are committed by minors.
As is so often the case, the damage from the entry was far more expensive than that which was stolen. Additionally, the cost to repair the doors, door frames and wall is going to cost much less than expected due to the donation of time and labor by locals.
It is thought that since the church is doing so much work in the drug/prostitution community that they have become a convenient target; people know where they are. Isn’t that cool?
We are going to raise and send $500 to the church. Some of you have already given contributions and others would like to help. You may send checks, payable to Gospel for Brazil and memo-ed “Tiangua,” to Gospel for Brazil, 803 S College Rd, Ste D, Wilmington, NC 28403. Of course cash works well also!
If you would like to use a credit or debit card, please click on this link. It will take you to our PayPal account and you may designate the amount you would like to donate.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Anything we receive in excess of the $500 will be forward to the church for the purchase of another DVD and for use with their evangelistic outreach.
Thank you for all of your concern and prayers!